When did you last take
some time for yourself? We are not talking about the ten minutes it takes to
grab yourself a coffee on the go, but some good quality time. Time to
consciously switch off, take a deep breath in and just be? What? You don’t
Maybe then, you will
take control of the everyday life stresses. Job, children, household - the Holy Trinity, that most of us probably experience. On
the one hand, it’s wonderful and fulfilling… on the other, super strenuous and
tiring. To avoid running out of steam it’s important to have an oasis of
recovery, to regain your strength against life’s challenges.
You can find one of
them here. Here is a little personal downtime in the form of pleasing high-quality
yarn and brand-new patterns. Inspired by Nordic coolness and independence, we
have put together a selection of pieces for you.
So, what are you
waiting for? Get those needles out and leave the daily grind!