Lana Grossa

Issue 2017

One ball = 1 model. Colour gradients to get you hooked!

Why do so many of the Lana Grossa yarns now have the addition “Gomitolo”? This is Italian and means translated a “ball” (of yarn). And that’s exactly how we’ve geared our models in this flyer: one ball = one model. Whether it’s a stole, shawl or scarf, one “Gomitolo” is enough for any of them – in this case a combination of Kid Mohair, Silk and Merino wool.

So you don’t have to worry about how much yarn you need, you simply knit until the 100g-ball is used up. However, now and again you should think about the addictive factor – after all don’t we need these fantastic colour gradients in at least three other shades?

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